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Marti Jordan Realtor Supports the Whittier Lions Club Farmers Market

Do you have the law required smoke detectors?
Friendly Hills and surrounding ares Realtor Marti Jordan brings here a summery of the current requirements on smoke detectors.
Realtor Marti Jordan reminds that the purpose of smoke detectors is to detect smoke and/or carbon monoxide with a audible warning in the early stages of fire or gas leak so residents can escape as early as possible.
As of January 1, 2014, landlords cannot make the tenant responsible for testing or maintaining the smoke alarms. It is the landlords responsibility.
From July 1, 2015 all smoke detectors (both 120 VAC hardwired and battery operated) must show the date of manufacture, and include a nonreplaceable and nonremovable battery that is capable of powering the smoke alarm for at least 10 years.
From July 1, 2015 ALL old smoke detectors that are solely powered by batteries must be replaced with those that contain a sealed battery that is rated to last 10 years.
The number and location of smoke alarms is specified in section 310.9.1.4 of the California Building Code.
-One smoke alarm should be placed on each floor in non-sleeping areas.
-In addition, one smoke alarm must be installed in each room where sleeping occurs
-and one smoke alarm should be located in each hallway that leads directly to sleeping rooms.
Below is an excellent illustration of the law requirements from The Real Estate Inspection Company
This information was pulled from following sources:
California State Fire Marshal Information Bulletin 13-006:
CA Fire Safety Education:
Demand Media, Gus Stephens:
The Real Estate Expection Company:
If you have questions to this of any real estate home for sale related questions don’t hesitate to contact Friendly Hills and surrounding areas top producing Realtor and Real Estate agent Marti Jordan.
Realtor Marti Jordan Whittier Flyer
If you list it, they will come! Los Angeles & Orange County are currently ranking in th top 8 places in the nation for fastest home sakes according Orange County Register
7829 Vale Dr, Whittier
3 Bedrooms / 3 Bathrooms
2,952 Sq.ft. Living space / 15,238 Sq.ft. Lot
(Represented Buyer & Seller)
13909 Tedemory Dr
3 Bedrooms / 1 Bathroom
1,893 Sq.ft. Living Space
5,693 Sq.ft. Lot
(Represented Seller)
13963 Penn Dr
4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Bathrooms
2,000 Sq.ft. Living Space
25,256 Sq.ft. Lot
(Represented Buyer)
8110 Strub Ave
3 Bedrooms / 1.5 Bathrooms
1,545 Sq.ft. Living space
10,587 Sq.ft. Lot
(Represented Seller)
8610 Ocean View Ave
3 Bedrooms / 3 Bathrooms
1,712 Sq.ft. Living space
11,993 Sq.ft. Lot
(Represented Buyer & Seller)
CalBRE #01000627
Getting ready for appraisal
Your Realtor Marti Jordan is always available for free estimates and advices when you are looking for selling your wonderful home in Friendly Hills Whittier and surrounding areas.
Friendly Hills area has it’s own challenges and advantages that Realtor Marti Jordan know all about. Here are a few tips when you are getting ready for the appraiser.
1) Be friendly
While it is clearly not so a appraiser should give your Friendly Hills home a better evaluation just because he/she likes you, Realtor Marti Jordan points out that the appraiser is human and can be influenced. If it is a hot day in Friendly Hills then offer some cold water.
2) Make a list of all the positive things with your home
While the appraiser for your Friendly Hills home should be neutral and not influenced by you, Marti Jordans experience is that it does make the appraisers job easier, by your note pointing out elements that can increase or heighten the value. Have a list that you can place on the table and let the appraiser know about it. Marti Jordan warn though, that the list might still be there in your wonderful Friendly Hills home after the appraiser’s visit, since he/she really shouldn’t be influenced by you.
3) Interior
The appraiser will be looking for your homes quality, condition, damages and defects in your Friendly Hills home. So go through each room and do at least the most obvious repairs so the home looks well taken care of. Realtor Marti Jordan will be happy to advice you of the most needed fixes needed. The appraiser gives the home a grade according how well maintained it is, and you want as good a grade as you can get.
Use the top producing Realtor for Friendly Hills, Marti jordan
How to increase your home value in Friendly Hills Whittier
Congratulations, you want to sell your home in Friendly Hills. Here are a few advices from Marti Jordan’s many years as a Realtor in Friendly Hills and Whittier. You can reduce your home value with thousands of dollars if you don’t do following. Should you chose Marti Jordan as your Real Estate Agent and Realtor in Friendly Hills then she will naturally guide you though the process of getting top dollars for your home. Okay here are a few:
-First sight need to be as pristine as possible. So ensure entrance look as good as it get … all the way to the street
-By just updating your kitchen faucet you can say the kitchen has been updated this without spending thousands of dollars.
-Messy house can cost you 10% value
-Change that old big bulky TV with a flat screen … they can cost less than $400. And gives the impression of a well kept Friendly Hills home.
-If your carpet can look clean without stains after a professional cleaning then don’t hide it under smaller carpets. This can indicate you are hiding something. Though sometimes that can be needed.
-Out with all those excess furniture’s. We want your rooms to look as grand as possible
-All things in the home should give an impression of a well kept home … which is expected from a home in Friendly Hills
Stay tuned for more advices and tips & tricks when you want to sell your home in Friendly Hills Whittier. Marti Jordan is the Realtor for you
Advise when selling your home
Congratulations. You have decided to sell your home. Here are some tips & tricks that will help you increase the appeal of your home.
The first few minutes are the most important minutes and they start at the front of the house.
• Invest in landscaping where it can be seen at first sight. A well-manicured lawn, neatly, clipped shrubbery, cleanly swept walks create a good first impression.
• An extra shot of fertilizer, in season, will make your grass look lush and green.
• Cut back overgrown shrubbery that looks scraggly or keeps light out of the house.
• Paint your house if necessary. This can probably do more for sales appeal than any other, factor. If you decide against painting, at least, consider touching up front shutters and window frames.
• Inspect the roof and gutters. Any missing shingles to replace? Gutters and down spouts in place? Need paint or repair?
• Consider putting flowers outside the front door.
• Repaint the front door.
• Put a bright coat of paint on your mailbox.
• Repair broken outdoor steps.
• The kitchen is the most important room in the house. Make it bright and attractive. If dull, paint cabinets and put up perky new curtains.
• Clean the ventilating hood in the kitchen.
• If the kitchen floor is badly worn, put down new flooring. Replace any loose tiles. To remove a loose tile, first soften the adhesive by applying heat with an iron covered by a soft cloth.
• Remove any appliances that you keep on your counters. Clean counters make the room look larger.
• Repair dripping faucets.
• Keep fresh towels in the bathrooms.
• Use special cleaning products to remove stains from toilets, bathtubs, sinks and showers.
• If sink and bathtub drain slowly, unclog them.
• Have all plaster in top shape. Cracks (or nailpops, visible seams in dry walls) are easy to fix.
• Check ceilings for leak stains. Fix the cause of the damage, repair the ceiling and paint.
• In painting and redecorating, avoid offbeat colors–stick to conventional white and easy-to-work-with pastels inside.
• If you have a fireplace, clean it out and lay some logs in it to make it look inviting.
• Wash windows.
• Replace broken glass.
• Mend torn screens.
• Check to see that all windows will open and close.
• Replace burned-out light bulbs. Use brighter light bulbs.
• Make sure every light switch works.
• Make the floors shine; clean and polish them. And nail down any creaking boards or stair treads. (Drive two long finishing nails at opposing angles through the floor and sub-floor into the joist.)
• Straighten up the closets–get rid of excess items. Use air freshener to eliminate musty odors. Lubricate any sticky or squeaking doors.
• For doors that stick slightly, rub a block of paraffin against the surface that shows signs of wear.
• For sliding doors that stick in their tracks, rub the tracks with paraffin or candle wax.
• Clean out attic, basement and garage and dispose of everything you are not going to move. And package everything you won’t need until you’re settled in your new home.
• Make sure there is plenty of light on the stairs to the basement.
• If your basement is dark and gloomy, paint ceilings and walls a light color.
• Repair cracks in the basement floor with ready-mixed concrete.
• Keep room draperies and shades open to let in light. This also makes rooms appear larger.
• Have your home well-lit during showing.
• At night, turn on porch light and outdoor lighting in back if you have it.
• Neatness makes a room look bigger. Avoid clutter.
• If possible, leave your furniture and rugs in the house while showing it.
• Avoid having dirty dishes in the sink or on counters.
• Keep any toys in the children’s rooms. Bikes, wagons and skateboards should be made as inconspicuous as possible.
• Keep radio, stereo, TV off or turned way down.
• Take your family away if your broker is holding an open house.
• Children should be quiet.
• Refer direct inquiries you receive about seeing your house to your Realtor to take advantage of his or her professional skills in selling your home.
• Don’t mention furniture or furnishings you wish to dispose of unless asked. Such discussion can kill the sale.
• Take pets outdoors when your house is being shown.
• Let the real estate expert show your house, and don’t tag along. Answer questions candidly when asked, but don’t offer answers to unasked questions.